Our beliefs systems are created and cemented in our childhood.

Until we become aware of it, we do NOT realize just how much of an impact our beliefs systems have on our lives today. Your patterns and behaviors are determined by your money beliefs and you'd be shocked when you see that you're not actually ruling your life, your money beliefs are!!!

Thats why I have created this course. When creating a healthy relationship with money you NEED to start with letting go of your old money beliefs and align them with what you want  attract into your life!!!

"Absolutely enjoyed watching and really gaining an understanding of my thinking but also how we don’t need to shame ourselves. I just want to say that the perspectives you give us are really insightful!"

Kim Rose Mansell

"I loved that the modules are shorter & bite sized. I find that my attention span can sometimes drop off when there’s a lot of information or a bunch of ideas being thrown around - these modules were the PERFECT length!"

Georgia Zentrich

"I am doing money mastery course together with my fiance because I want to get to know his thoughts around money. I can not tell you how much these 2 trainings have changed our relationship right away!"

Lisa Trouwborst

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
Money Mastery

For the person who knows their current perspective around money just isn't working for them and they're ready to deepen their education on money as well as their relationship with money.

This course will support you in releasing the negative money beliefs you picked up as a child and creating a new and improved money belief system that is actually going to serve you. 

If you do this for yourself, you're also banking the knowledge and wisdom to support your kids in creating a positive money belief system that will serve them well in their later years with money.

Instant access to 4 value packed, bite sized modules (the structure of these modules are super intentional and sustainable for you do to easily even if you lead a busy life)

Bonus resources, worksheets, money template & money quiz

1x 45min 1:1 call with me (to ask questions and for m to understand your money story so I know how to support you best)

Bonus video trainings

Lifetime access to all content and modules

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